Here’s a tip for your new book that’s coming out. This is something I wish I knew about when I first started to publish. It’s something for you to start right now before you publish. It’s most timely when you know your publication date in advance, but you can start ticking off the items in this list a year in advance.

  • Look for a free newsletter or blog site and talk about your writer’s journey on the posts. Give a few teasers from your book.

  • Curry favor with you local media, especially your town newspaper. Start a conversation with the feature story editor. Learn how to write a press release so that when the book is live, whether in print or electronic, you are ready to ADVERTISE.

  • Share your teasers with your book club.

  • Make a list of possible events you can do: local library, local bookstore, your high school, your college, book discussion groups Have this list ready for the big day. It will make waiting fly by.

  •  Here’s a link to a sample press release written for me after I won the award mentioned in the release. 

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